When this occurs, you will have the opportunity to correct the test questions you missed. Retesting has no limit and is free-of-charge.
Certificates are dated with the date you passed the test online (this information is recorded automatically by our online testing system).
To change information on an established registration, first log in using your username and password you created during the registration process. Once you successfully log in to our website you will notice an "Account Profile” link on the left-hand margin. Click this link to make changes to your information. If you entered your license number incorrectly, click "Remove" and then click "Add Another License". After you type the new information, be sure to click "Submit" to save changes. Updated information is displayed instantly.
Once you've completed the process from registration, payment, going over the course, and taking the test, the Certificate will be generated and CEU will be submitted to the Board.
Courses can be paid for online before starting them. Certificates are available immediately after course completion and stored in your account. We accept PayPal, Zelle, Cash App, credit or debit cards: VISA, MasterCard, DISCOVER or AmEx.